Hello Digital Unix user! In order to install XBanner in Digital Unix (not tested under CDE) you will have to give up the nice Digital Logo, but I assume you got XBanner for that purpose anyway. You will also have a login box like a regular XDM. How this is done? In /usr/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config, there is a line like: DisplayManager.greeterLib: /usr/shlib/X11/libXdmDecGreet.so You will have to change this line to load a different greeter library - the default XDM greeter library. The line should be: DisplayManager.greeterLib: /usr/shlib/X11/libXdmGreet.so Now you should be seeing a very plain and simple XDM login box, with no Digital Logo. You may now follow the regular XBanner instructions and all will work fine. Amit Margalit amitm@netvision.net.il