#!/bin/sh # Standard program for reading ASCII files to MTZ. # Number of columns is derived from LABOUT line. # Remember all input data must be separated by space unless you # specify a FORMAT (as below). # # You will need to run cad too - your data will need to be sorted and # may not be in the conventional CCP4 asymmetric unit. # if test ! -f $CCP4_SCR/toxd.hkl; then echo '! run mtz2various.exam first' 1>&2 exit 1 fi # this was changed from Xplor format - hope its ok # Convert CNS formatted file from mtz2various back to mtz. f2mtz HKLIN $CCP4_SCR/toxd.hkl HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/junk_hkl <<+ SKIP 5 # Miss out 5 lines of header TITLE CNS to MTZ CELL 73.58 38.73 23.19 # angles default to 90 LABOUT H K L FAU20 PHIB SIGFAU20 FreeRflag CTYPE H H H F P Q X # X is special free R type # remove the leading "1x" in the format iff your fortran system obeys # carriage-control (thus there isn't a leading space in the mtz2various # output). (This may not be canonical X-PLOR format -- your mileage may # vary with the input FORMAT and column specifications.) FORMAT '(1X,5X,3F5.0,6X,F10.1,F10.1,7X,F10.2,6X,F6.0)' # An example input line starts immediately after the #: # INDE 0 6 2 FOBS= 4661.0 0.0 SIGMA= 94.00 TEST= 11 SYMM 19 + # Convert file from mtz2various with OUTPUT USER. f2mtz HKLIN $CCP4_SCR/toxd.user HKLOUT $CCP4_SCR/junk_user <<+ TITLE USER to MTZ CELL 73.58 38.73 23.19 # angles default to 90 LABOUT H K L FAU20 SIGFAU20 FTOXD3 SIGFTOXD3 CTYPE H H H F Q F Q FORMAT '(3F4.0,4F10.1)' SYMM 19 + #