//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // @(#)EmbeddedAppletStub.java 1.1 25 Jan 1996 09:41:30 // // Copyright 25 Jan 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import java.applet.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.Hashtable; /* Class to provide support for Applets embedded as Panels inside other Applets. Each of these has its own parameters, but gets the rest of its state from the containing applet. */ public class EmbeddedAppletStub implements AppletStub { private Applet applet; private Hashtable parms; public EmbeddedAppletStub(Applet a, Hashtable p) { parms = p; applet = a; } public boolean isActive() { return applet.isActive(); } public URL getDocumentBase() { return applet.getDocumentBase(); } public URL getCodeBase() { return applet.getCodeBase(); } public String getParameter(String name) { return (String)parms.get(name); } public AppletContext getAppletContext() { return applet.getAppletContext(); } public void appletResize(int w, int h) { } }