Manual page for proc_annotate(PL)


proc annotate

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proc annotate may be used to place arbitrary text at specific locations, in either absolute space or scaled space. Annotation may include one or two arrows and a box if desired.


Text may be single line or multiple lines. Optional backing box for text, that can be colored, outlined, and have a bevel or drop shadow. Semi-intelligent placement of one or two arrows. Control over text and arrow color. HTML clickmap support for annotations box.


See the Gallery Annotations examples




The text and location attributes MUST be specified. If an arrow is desired, the arrowhead attribute must be specified.


text multiline text

The text to be displayed. Terminates with a blank line. Text may also come from a file or command (see below).
text:	Value
	as of 1/15/99

location x y

The text will be placed at this location. By default the text will be centered around X, and the bottom of the first line will be at Y. Absolute units are assumed; append (s) to one or both values to indicate scaled units.
Example: location: 2.2(s) 3.0

arrowhead x y

If specified, an arrow will be drawn pointing at this location. The tail of the arrow will be placed automatically if arrowtail is not specified. Absolute units are assumed; append (s) to one or both values to indicate scaled units.
Example: arrowhead: 2012(s) 85(s)

arrowhead2 x y

Same as arrowhead above, for a second arrow.


fromfile filename

If specified, the text will be read from this file. This filename is expanded by a shell.

fromcommand shell command

If specified, this shell command will be executed to yield text on its standard output.

textdetails textdetails

Allows control of details pertaining to the text, such as alignment, color, size, and font. Example: textdetails: align=C size=9

box linedetails

If specified, a box will be drawn around the text. May be used with or without backcolor.
Example: box: yes (do a default box)
Example: box: color=yellow width=1.0

boxmargin n

If specified, increase the size of any backing box by n absolute units on all four sides.
Example: boxmargin: 0.15

backcolor color

Supply a colored rectangle backing box, to be filled with color. No box outline is drawn, use box to get one. May be used with or without box.

arrowdetails linedetails

Allows control of details pertaining to the arrows, such as line thickness and color.

arrowheadsize n

Controls the size of the arrowhead. n is the length of the arrowhead in absolute units (default 0.1 inches). This attribute may be set to 0 to suppress arrowhead and just draw line.

arrowtail x y

If specified, tail of 1st arrow will be at this point.

arrowtail2 x y

If specified, tail of 2nd arrow will be at this point.

verttext yes | no

If yes, text will be rendered vertically, from low to high. This is a limited implementation; backing box does not work with vertical text, nor does automatic arrow tail placement (arrow tail must be specified).

clickmapurl url

If generating an HTML clickmap on the attribute box, this specifies a url. See HTML clickmap for more details and examples.
Example: clickmapurl:

Pertaining to optional bevel & drop shadow

bevelsize n

Width of optional bevel area, in absolute units. Default is 0.0 (no bevel).

shadowsize n

Width of visible portion of optional drop shadow in absolute units. Default is 0.0 (no drop shadow).

hibevelcolor color

Color of upper and lefttmost bevels. Default is gray(0.6)

lowbevelcolor color

Color of lower and rightmost bevels. Default is gray(0.8)

shadowcolor color

Color of drop shadow. Default is black.

data display engine  
Copyright Steve Grubb

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    December 10, 2002.