Manual page for proc_curvefit(PL)


proc curvefit

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proc curvefit fits a curve to the data and renders the curve with a line.


Can compute moving average, linear regression, or bspline curve. Also, complete control over color, width, and dash style of line.


See the Gallery curvefit examples


A plotting area must be set up using proc areadef and proc getdata must be executed to access or define some data. The data may be presented in any order; proc curvefit will order it in X.


Like proc lineplot, data may be given for both X and Y or just for Y. In the latter case, sequential unit locations are used for the X component.



If curvetype is regression, this variable will be set to display the formula for the regression line.


If curvetype is regression, this variable will be set to display the Pearson correlation coefficient (r), which ranges from -1.0 to 1.0, where 1.0 is a strong correlation (positive slope), -1.0 is a strong correlation (negative slope), and 0 is no correlation.


The yfield attribute MUST be specified.


yfield dfield

Data field to use for Y values. Example: yfield: 1

xfield dfield

Data field to use for X values. If not given, sequential unit locations in X will be used. Example: xfield: 4

curvetype movingavg | regression | bspline | avg

The type of curve fitting computation to perform.
movingavg: For each point, it takes the average of the current point and n-1 points to the left (or as many points as are available). n is controlled by the order attribute. Often used in finance.
regression computes the linear regression for the set of points. The result will be a straight line expressing the relationship between X and Y. Often used with scatterplots. The variables REGRESSION_LINE and CORRELATION will be set (see VARIABLES above).
bspline draws a curve using the bspline algorithm. The order and resolution attributes control the appearance of the result. May be used to fit a curve to a histogram.
avg is similar to movingavg except that it also includes n-1 points to the right of the current point (or as many points as are available) in the average. Thus, for a point that is far from either edge, 2n-1 points will be averaged.
Example: curvetype: movingavg

order n

For bspline curves, this is a value between 2 and 20; a lower value yields a more jagged curve, while a higher value gives a smoother curve. The number of data points must be at least this value for a bspline curve to be possible.
For movingavg curves, this defines the number of points to include in each average computation. For avg curves, 2n - 1 points will be considered, where n = the order value.
This attribute has no effect with regression curve.
Default order for either type of curve is 4.
Example: order: 8

resolution n

Only relevant for bspline curves. For every input point, n result points will be generated. Default is 5.0.

linedetails linedetails

Rendering details for the curve. Example: linedetails: color=red width=2.0 style=2

calcrange min [max]

Data within this range will be included in curve calculation. If only one value is given, it will be taken as the range minima and the maxima will be the plottable maxima. If not specified all data rows will be included.

linerange min [max]

Controls the X range (in scaled units) within which the curve will be rendered. Data points falling outside this range will not be rendered. If accumulation is being done, points outside the range will contribute to the accumulated total. If only one value is given, it will be taken as the range minima and the maxima will be the plottable maxima. If not specified all data rows will be plotted.
For regression curves, this attribute may be used to limit the X range of the regression line, or to create a regression line that extends beyond the X range of the data. In this case, min and max should both be given.
Example: linerange: 1

legendlabel text

A label to be associated with the curve in the legend. proc legend must be executed later in order to render the legend. If proc getdata field names are being used, the special symbol #usefname causes the field name of yfield to be automatically used as the legend label (new in 2.04).
Example: legendlabel: Northeast region
Example: legendlabel: #usefname

select conditional-expression

Allows selected data points to be included in curve computation.

showresults yes | no

If yes, a listing of the points in the computed curve will be written to the diagnostic stream (-diag).

statsonly yes | no

For regression curves, this option may be used if it is desired to compute the REGRESSION_LINE and CORRELATION variables but display no curve.

data display engine  
Copyright Steve Grubb

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    December 10, 2002.