Manual page for proc_import(PL)


proc import

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proc import reads a graphics file and integrates it with the ploticus result. PNG files may be imported when running in -png mode.


A Gallery example that imports a PNG file, and changes its size, is pngresize


file name

The name of the file to import.

location x y

Where the imported image should be placed. May be in absolute or scaled units.

scale s

Scale factor to apply when rendering the image. 1.0 results in the original size; smaller values reduce the size; larger values increase the size.

align center | topleft | bottomleft

Alignment of image relative to the specified location. center causes the image to be centered about the x, y location; topleft causes the image to be placed so that its top left is at x, y; bottomleft causes the image to be placed so that its bottom left is at x, y.

data display engine  
Copyright Steve Grubb

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    December 10, 2002.