Manual page for program_limitations(PL)


program limitations

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Ploticus has these capacity limitations. The corresponding #define is shown in parentheses. Most are defined in pl.h or tdhkit.h and can be safely raised if necessary (then do: make clean; make).
Default max total number of data fields (all data rows): 200,000 fields (MAXD). This limit is dynamic and can be raised using command line option -maxfields.
Default max number of data rows: 10,000 rows (MAXDROWS). This limit is dynamic and can be raised using command line option -maxrows.
Default maximum total number of lines in currently active procs: 5000 lines (MAXPROCLINES). This limit is dynamic and can be raised using command line option -maxproclines. "Currently active procs" are the current proc, any #saved procs, and any proc getdata that have embedded data:.
Default maximum number of elements in the data vector: 100,000. This is used by proc rangebar median computation (1 element per data point); proc lineplot, scatterplot, and curvefit (2 elements per data point); and proc rangesweep (3 elements per data point).
Max length of a line in a ploticus script: 3000 chars before & after variable evaluation (SCRIPTLINELEN)
Max length of variable contents: 250 chars (VARMAXLEN)
Max length of data field: 250 chars (DATAMAXLEN)
Max length of input data record: 2998 chars (MAXRECORDLEN)
Max length of field names and variable names: 48 chars (NAMEMAXLEN)
Max number of scale categories in X: 200; in Y: 200. Max total # of characters per X category set: 2500 per Y category set: 2500 (MAXNCATS, MAXCATBUF)
Max number of points from which to compute a moving average or regression curve in proc curvefit: 5000. Bspline curve: 100. (see proc_curvefit.c)
Max number of pie graph slices: 80
Max number of points in polygon (including line plot w area under curve filled): 1000 (MAX_D_ROWS)
proc tabulate limits: 200 rows, 200 columns, 200 ranges, comparison significance is 38 characters. (see proc_tabulate.c)


By default, the max amount of CPU time allowed is 30 seconds (CPULIMIT). This is enforced using setrlimit(), and a core dump occurs when the limit is exceeded. This limit may be modified by using proc settings , in your config file or by directly modifying pl.h

data display engine  
Copyright Steve Grubb

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    December 10, 2002.