Manual page for proc_line(PL)


proc line

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proc line may be used to draw arbitrary lines in scaled space or absolute space. It is typically used for annotations, etc. See also proc drawcommands.


The Points attribute must be specified.


points multiline-text

A list of points. One or more lines. Ends at first empty (blank) line. Each line may have one coordinate pair or two. If two, the first point is the beginning of a line, and the second point is the end of a line. If one, the point is taken as a continuation of line from previous point.
points:	1.0 3.0 1.0 4.5
	3.0 4.5
	3.0 3.0

notation absolute | scaled | locval

Specifies whether points are to be taken as locations in absolute space, scaled space, or location values (values ending in (s) are in scaled space; otherwise absolute space is assumed). See positionunits Default is locval.
Example: notation: scaled

linedetails linedetails

Details controlling the rendering of the line.
Example: linedetails: width=3 color=green

data display engine  
Copyright Steve Grubb

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    December 10, 2002.