Information for gplot-4.3: Comment: Graphic utilities for the processing of CGM metafiles Description: GPLOT is a graphics utility program, designed for the processing of CGM metafiles produced by DI3000, DISSPLA, DRAWCGM and NCARGKS. Source code for GPLOT is avilable to other sites, so that graphics created at PSC can be processed locally. Note that the current version of GPLOT is able to recognize NCAR CGM metafiles created on the Cray, and automatically carry out the byte-swapping necessary to properly interpret such files. In other words, you should no longer have to worry about running the NCARFIX program on your file before using GPLOT. Graphics images produced by GPLOT can be combined with TEX formatted text by the GTEX program. See PSCDOC:GTEX.DOC and TEX.DOC. To report problems with GPLOT, or to request new output capabilities, please contact PSC User Services. COPYRIGHT gplot is copyrighted by the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.